The Genesis of Real Happy Real Healthy began four years ago after my husband suffered an Achille’s tendon rupture. We had only a few weeks earlier celebrated his 50th birthday. As a result of his injury, he was bed-ridden for three months and would spend the next several months after that in physical therapy and learning to walk again. On top of all this, our dog (and best friend) became gravely ill only a few days after his injury.

Throughout his convalescence and rehabilitation, I was tasked with taking care of practically all of his needs (as well as our dog) — which was difficult and sometimes frustrating. I realized that the injury was more than taking care of him and our loving pet. It was also about taking care of myself. If I was going to make it through the months of hardship, I had to be healthy in order to help them get back on their feet. That’s when the idea of Real Happy Real Healthy hit me.

I began to prepare clean and healthy food that benefited my husband, as well as myself and our dog. I also began a regimen of exercise and active relaxation. Soon, I applied this philosophy and healthful habits to the other areas of my life, including the way we work and play. Now, I want to share what I’ve learned and applied throughout my life with you through Real Happy Real

Real Happy Real Healthy is here to help you and your family get the most out of life. I hope you enjoy this real life journey as much as I do!